«Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Көкшетау қаласы бойынша білім бөлімі Көкшетау қаласының № 4 жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
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Kanysh Imantayuli Satbayev


Kanysh Imantayuli Satbayev (April 11, 1899 – January 31, 1964) is one of the founders of Soviet metallogeny, principal advocate and the first president of Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences.

Satbayev was born in what is today Bayanaul District, in Pavlodar Region. Satbayev's interest in geology was sparked in childhood by Tomsk geologist Mikhail Usov. In 1921, he got admitted to Tomsk Technological Institute (now Tomsk Polytechnic University). After completing his studies in 1926, Satbayev returned to Kazakhstan and became the first qualified Kazakh mining engineer and geologist.[1

He died in Moscow in 1964, and is buried in Almaty.

An outstanding scientist of the country, he represented Kazakhstan's science abroad. Thus, in 1947, he visited England as part of the delegation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, where he adequately represented the scientists of the country. As a member of the Soviet parliamentary group was adopted Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England ettley. In 1958 K. I. Satpayev as a part of representative delegation visited China where took part in work of geological conference of the people's Republic of China. He was awarded the order of Lenin and the order of the great Patriotic war, elected Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR.

Kanysh Satbayev left after himself more than 640 scientific publications. He created Institute of Geology which became the center of studies of Kazakhstan mineral resources.

The name of the academician K. I. Satpayev named the city in Karaganda region, Institute of geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Zhezkazgan mining and metallurgical plant, a small planet in the constellation Taurus, mineral, glacier and mountain peak of Dzhungarskiy Alatau, variety of colors, streets and schools in the cities and towns of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently running an RK award in his name for outstanding achievements in the field of natural Sciences created the international Fund of K. I. Satpaev.

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